
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Vol 16, No 1 (2023)
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6-13 177

   The article the main scientific developments of the RUE “Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus "for 2022 reflects. The results on the development of technologies for the processing industries of the food industry of the Republic of Belarus, the creation of new types of food products, including those with preventive properties, are presented, the results of fundamental research are reflected.

14-30 215

   The improvement of the system of organization and quality management of school meals in the country determined the purpose of this study.

   The heterogeneity of the system, related to the participation in the activities of different industries and sectors of the economy, was taken into account. A hypothesis has been put forward about achieving the goal by increasing the degree of mutual agreement between intra-industry functions. The scientific task is to model the factors of the quality of sustainable school nutrition services in the context of interdisciplinary relations and functions to ensure it. The model aims creating of complex solutions, incl. developing of diets, recipes, dish technologies and specialized products in the composition of the dishes.

31-38 254

   The article presents the results of comparative studies to evaluate the effectiveness of refined deodorized vegetable oils (rapeseed, sunflower) and mixed vegetable oils, developed by the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food, with the participation of healthy volunteers. In the course of the study, it was shown that vegetable oil-mixture “Salatnoye” helps to reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, i. e. has anti-atherogenic effect, and can be recommended for widespread use. A similar effect of rapeseed oil was noted to a lesser extent than vegetable-mixture oils. The study showed that the use of sunflower oil does not reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

39-52 237

   The article presents the results of experimental studies on the development of new types of jelly confectionery products of increased nutritional value for the nutrition of children of preschool and school age, taking into account the actual deficiency of micronutrients in the diet of the child population of the Republic of Belarus.

53-61 293

   Adsorption is often used for water purification and has gained popularity because it produces high-quality treated wastewater with the lowest operating costs. It is an effective, efficient and economical method not only for water purification, but also for analytical separation methods.

   The purpose of the work is to evaluate the possibility of using chitosan for wastewater and natural water purification from chemical components in static and dynamic conditions.

   The results of the conducted studies indicate that the studied natural sorbent has sufficient sorption abilities, therefore, it is advisable to use it as a filter material for cleaning natural and wastewater from pollution of various origins. From an economic point of view, the use of chitosan as a filter material is an advantageous solution for enterprises in need of wastewater treatment, since it is capable of regeneration, and its sorption capacity is not inferior to activated carbon, which is a well-known sorbent.

62-68 191

   Agglomeration is a technological process during which it is possible to set and improve the granulometric composition of the initial product (calibrated particle size and structure). The article presents the results of the study of the technological features of the process of agglomeration of dry mashed potatoes.

69-75 150

   Drying is one of the most energy intensive processes in the food industry. A promising way to intensify this process is the use of electroactivated air. The article presents the results of experimental studies of the effect of electroactivated air treatment of barley malt on the intensification of its drying process. It has been established that during drying in an ozone-air environment, cell membranes are compressed under the action of ozone, which creates a pressure gradient and “pushes out” moisture without its evaporation and temperature increase. The effect of pre-treatment of malt with electroactivated air on the water activity index was studied. Rational modes of intensification of the drying process have been developed through the use of biostimulating properties of electroactivated air.

76-84 179

   The article presents the advantages of using a composite matrix with forming holes concentrically spaced evenly over the entire plane in the process of forming short-cut pasta products compared to a serial (factory) matrix. The results of experimental studies to determine the dependences of the technological parameters of composite matrices are presented. Graphical relationships are obtained depending on the productivity of the press on the rotational speed of the press screw, the pressing pressure created in the matrix tube on the rotational speed of the screw, the change in the temperature of the dough in the tube depending on the pressure, the power of the press on the rotational speed of the screw of the press and the productivity of the press on the value pressing pressure on solid (serial) matrices and composite matrices. A technique for engineering calculation of the design parameters of the matrix has been developed to determine the rational parameters of the pasta pressing process. The calculated economic effect from the introduction of a composite matrix was made. New technical solutions for composite matrices are protected by patents of the Republic of Belarus for inventions No. 17855, 18195, 19138 and 21246.

85-94 495

   The article considers one of the most important problems of modem science and practice concerning the safety of products and their role in the structure of consumer products. The study of raw materials and food products for the content of antibiotic components is an urgent task, since an increase in productivity and, as a result, a reduction in the cost of production in animal
husbandry and poultry farming is achieved with the rational use of antibiotics and growth stimulants. Domestic producers of agricultural products using antibiotics, mycotoxins, pesticides and growth stimulants in accordance with their technological regulations must guarantee the safety of products for human health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends reducing the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry as much as possible. A rational approach to the use of antibiotics in animals and humans will preserve the activity of these drugs for further use in medicine. Due to the fact that the groups of antibiotics used in humans and animals in agriculture are the same, residual amounts of antibiotics in food products contribute to the emergence of resistant strains of microorganisms in humans. Accordingly, people who use such products develop immunity to taking antibiotics, and in order to obtain the expected effect during treatment, larger doses and stronger drugs are required. Prolonged use of food containing residual amounts of antibiotics, as well as taking antibiotics for therapeutic purposes, can cause adverse health consequences, such as allergic reactions, immune suppression, dysbiosis and toxic effects on the body. To ensure the safety of human health, the maximum permissible norms of daily intake of antibiotics with food have been developed. The residual content of these potentially dangerous compounds in the finished product must be below the maximum permissible levels defined by legislation. The review presents modem methods for investigating residual concentrations of antibiotics, in particular, the method of enzyme immunoassay (hereinafter ELISA) and monitoring of food for traces of antibiotics in 2022 are considered in more detail. The ELISA method is defined by the EU Directive 657/2002 as one of the methods of control of harmful substances and today is one of the most common methods in the world for conducting screening studies of residual amounts of a huge range of harmful substances from antibiotics and mycotoxins to pesticides and dioxins.

95-104 228

   The article presents the results of a study of the isotopic composition of 24 samples of sparkling wines from various manufacturers.

   The aim of the research was to study the polycomponent isotopic composition of sparkling wines and to establish the relationship between the isotopic composition of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon of individual components isolated from wine and the total parameters of the isotopic composition for possible use as quality criteria. Isotope ratios were measured by isotope mass spectrometry with a ConFlo IV continuous flow system, GasBench II isotopic equilibration method; elemental analyzer with high temperature conversion and oxidation reactor.

   Along with the determination of the isotopic composition of individual wine components ((δ13СCO2, δ13Сethanol, δ18Сwater, δ18Сethanol)), the total parameters of the isotopic composition were estimated: δ13Сtotal, δ18Сtotal и δ2Htotal. In the studied samples, good correlations were obtained between the isotopic compositions of individual components. In one sample, a difference was found between the data of δ13СCO2 (-10,04 %о), δ13Сethanol (-25,8 %) и δ13Сtotal (-25,86 %), it is possible that the wine contains carbon dioxide formed from the sugar of C4 type plants. These studies have shown that isotope mass spectrometry is an effective way to control the quality of grape wines. A comprehensive study of the components of sparkling wine makes it possible to identify the relationship between different isotope indicators and apply them to assess the geographical and biological origin of the product.

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)