
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Vol 17, No 2 (2024)
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6-12 79

The protein amino acid composition and fatty acid content of linseed cake fats have been studied. The amino acid score calculations and other protein biological value coefficients (the amino acid composition utility coefficient, the essential amino acids content redundancy index, the comparable redundancy index, the essential amino acids index) have been carried out. The flaxseed cake proteins digestibility in comparison with soy flour in vitro has been characterized. It has been shown that flaxseed cake protein has been characterized by a essential amino acids complete set, the flaxseed cake proteins digestibility is slightly inferior to soy flour proteins, the fatty acid composition of fat is characterized by the highest content of a-linolenic acid. 

13-22 105

The main trends and features of the development of the domestic rapeseed oil market in the context of its main producers and sales channels are analyzed. The need for further development of technologies for advanced processing of oil seeds and breeding work on rapeseed taking into account the requirements of potential consumers in order to improve the fatty acid composition of rapeseed oil, increase the protein content and improve its feed value is substantiated. This can help increase sales of rapeseed oil in the main markets, increase the profitability of production and economic activities of the main farms of rapeseed producers and processing enterprises in the Republic of Belarus. 

23-37 80

The article presents the results of experimental studies on the development of technology for raw gingerbread based on polyols (maltitol, maltitol syrup) using liquid vegetable oil as a fatty component. 

38-44 71

The paper presents the results of assessing the impact of developed fish products with fucus seaweed on the functional status of the body of experimental animals under normal conditions and with the development of antibiotic-associated intestinal dysbiosis. It was found that the introduction of fish products enriched with fucus seaweed into the diet of rats was accompanied by an increase in the body weight of experimental individuals due to the increase in the layer of muscle tissue, while the accumulation of subcutaneous fat was not detected. A study of lipid metabolism in rats that consumed fish products with fucus seaweed showed a significant decrease in the content of total cholesterol, high-density lipoproteins (HDL-C) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL-C) by 27.65%, 28.82% and 48. 45%, respectively, compared to the control group. There was a decrease in the activity of the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in the blood serum, which are nonspecific indicators of the functional state of the heart and liver, which may indicate the potential cardio- and hepatoprotective properties of these products. 

45-49 46

Currently, one of the priorities in the field of nutrition of the population is plant-based beverages, in particular, vegetable milk, which is a substitute for traditional cow’s milk, but does not contain lactose and is intended for feeding people with lactose intolerance or vegetarians, but having a set of biologically active substances in its composition.

A new promising direction in the development of vegetable beverages is associated with the appearance on the market of plant-based beverages for the nutrition of preschool and school-age children in packaging made of combined materials such as Tetra-Brik-Aseptic of Belarusian production.

In this connection, the article shows the results of the study of the composition of samples of vegetable drinks for the nutrition of preschool and school-age children. 

50-59 59

The article discusses problematic issues due to imperfections in the design of the press matrix for molding pasta. The need for theoretical and experimental research has been determined to establish the pattern of the influence of internal dough pressure and temperature stresses on the strength, rigidity and deflection of the die body. Graphic dependences of matrix deflections under the influence of pressing pressure were obtained for various geometric parameters for solid and composite matrices. The thermal processes occurring in the matrices during the formation of pasta are considered, equations for heat transfer and heat transfer from the test mass to the matrix body and into the environment are obtained. Graphic dependences of heat release during the process of molding pasta depending on temperature and geometric parameters of the matrix (diameter and height) are presented. New technical solutions have been proposed in matrix designs that improve strength, thermal and mass characteristics, which improve the quality of semi-finished products while reducing energy costs and increasing press productivity. This technical solution will improve the quality of pasta molding, reduce the percentage of waste, which will improve the operation of automatic lines and will resolve the issue of reducing the dependence of the industry of the Republic of Belarus on the import of expensive working parts of pasta presses (matrices). 

60-64 120

The results of studies to determine the massometric characteristics (“meatiness index” and “lean meat index”), as well as nutritional (protein and fat content, their ratio) and energy value of a wide range of parts of broiler chicken carcasses obtained from cutting according to patterns that served as the basis for improving the assortment of the state standard. 

65-73 65

The problem of the quality and safety of baby food products has not only hygienic, but also important social significance, because is a determining factor in all subsequent human development. Particular attention is required to the organization of nutrition for children of the 1st year of life. The younger the child, the greater the influx of energy is required to cover the energy costs associated with his intensive growth, development, metabolism and maintenance of basic vital functions.

Currently, there is no unified system for qualimetric forecasting of quality and safety indicators that would allow establishing product quality requirements at the design stage that would meet consumer expectations. Therefore, it is relevant to conduct research to develop a qualimetric model for predicting the quality of fruit-based children’s canned food, including defining a range of quality and safety indicators, a set of quantitative assessment methods, and establishing numerical values of quality indicators that the product being developed must meet in order to meet predicted consumer expectations.

The article displays the results of qualemitric forecasting using the construction of the “House of Quality” using QFD methodology

74-79 48

To establish the descriptors characteristic of flavored wines, research is required to conduct a study to establish the components that form the taste and aroma of the finished product. The study of physico-chemical parameters, detailed chemical composition, as well as the establishment of sensory characteristics of flavored wines presented on the market of the Republic of Belarus, will allow to form taste accents according to which the consumer makes a choice when buying a finished product.

This paper presents the results of studies to establish descriptors characteristic of aromatized wines, on the basis of which a control profile of the finished product was obtained. This profile was used in the development of flavored wines from extruded plant materials. 

80-87 59

Flavored wines are one of the most popular drinks in the RepubUc of Belarus. The consumer requires a wider range of products to select flavored wines, but the volume of production of this type of product is insufficient. When creating new names of flavored wines, one should take into account the consumer preferences of different segments of the population, which can form a product with control parameters.

This paper presents the results of an analysis of consumer preferences when choosing flavored wines. 

88-96 62

The paper presents the results of a study of the structural and mechanical characteristics of minced fish systems (ultimate shear stress, adhesion, moisture-binding capacity), technological parameters affecting the quality and safety of fish pastes and pates with fucus. It has been established that changes in the values of ultimate shear stress, adhesion, and moisture-binding capacity in the fish base are associated with the individual values of ultimate shear stress in fish raw materials that predominate in the recipe composition. The choice of carp and herring in the fish base for the production of paste and pates with fucus provides a more delicate consistency, thus, will have a positive impact on the functional, technological and organoleptic characteristics of fish paste and pates with fucus. An improvement in the structure of the model fish system was noted when vegetable oil was added in amounts up to 10%. The high rheological parameters of the “minced fish — fucus” system explain the interaction of fucus polysaccharides with minced meat proteins. Analysis of technological parameters showed that an increase in temperature and heating duration leads to a decrease in moisture content in the product and an increase in viscosity, while the effect of temperature is more significant than the heating duration. Based on the results of the research, recipes, technical specifications and technological instructions for the production of fish pastes and pates with fucus were developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure. 

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)