
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Vol 17, No 1 (2024)
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6-10 42

The quality of products is the most important component of the economic development of the state. In modem conditions, it is quality that is the determining reference point for the competitive stability of the country’s economy as a whole and each organization individually. The article contains the results of the quality achievement system created at the RepubUcan Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”.

11-21 23

The article presents the results of studies of structural changes of sprouted grain during blanching and sterilization. The technological properties of sprouted grain in preparation for canning were studied. The changes occurring with starch granules during hydrothermal treatment have the greatest influence on the appearance of sprouted grain. Changes in the structure of the endosperm of sprouted grain after blanching and sterilization were investigated using a microscope. The processes leading to the disruption of the integrity of the seed coat of sprouted grain are described.

22-31 35

In the structure of causes of mortality in the population of the Republic of Belarus, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) account for 52.6%. There is a close correlation between the nutritional structure of the population, on the one hand, and morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, on the other. Indisputable importance in the treatment and prevention of these diseases and the main risk factors for their occurrence is given to specialized food products, which include dietary (preventive) and functional products. The article describes the most significant elements that affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which include potassium, calcium, magnesium and a number of other nutrients. The purpose of the work is to study the potential of little-used berry raw materials growing on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The work presents an analysis of the content of macro- and microelements and vitamins important for the prevention of CVD in such berries as: actinidia, honeysuckle, hawthorn, viburnum, rose hips, sea buckthorn, black elderberry, garden ash, chokeberry and serviceberry. The presented analysis of the vitamin and mineral composition of little-used berries growing in the Republic of Belarus allows us to recommend them as raw materials for the creation of functional products for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

32-38 30

The article presents the results of studies of electromembrane processing of milk whey with processes electrodialysis and electrodeionization processes applying. An analysis of process efficiency indicators changes, as well as physicochemical and organoleptic properties of the samples was carried out.

39-45 22

Brewing waste is an important component of the raw material base of animal husbandry. To date, their volumes can be compared with the volumes of raw materials, which makes it possible to obtain full-fledged feeds with minimal costs for their production and solve environmental problems that arise during their disposal. Since breweries use high-quality raw materials, therefore, the resulting waste is rich in protein, carbohydrates, macro- and microelements, organic acids, vitamins, etc. Thus, they can act as a promising secondary material resource, thereby solving the tasks of environmental protection and resource conservation. The use of waste from breweries will to some extent make up for the shortage of feed protein in the diets of fattened cattle and significantly reduce the cost per unit of production.

In this paper, the main wastes of brewing production and the possibility of their use are considered, as well as studies on the process of acid hydrolysis of protein-hop sludge are carried out, the most optimal parameters for conducting this process (hydrolysis time and HC1 concentration) are determined.

46-55 32

The regime parameters of technological operations of thermal, mechanical and baromembrane processing of colostrum - pasteurization, freezing, defrosting, separation, homogenization, ultraffltration - have been studied. Based on the results obtained, the optimal parameters for carrying out these technological operations in production conditions for this type of raw material were determined. Freezing is indicated for collection, storage and delivery to the place of colostrum processing. The modes of heat treatment of colostrum depending on the time of its receipt have been determined. Limit concentrations of stabilizer salts have been established to increase the coagulation threshold of non-heat-resistant colostrum. It has been established that double separation is necessary for colostrum, and the modes of its homogenization have also been substantiated. It has been proven that the use of standard membrane processing modes makes it possible to obtain a concentrate with an increased mass fraction of protein, which is a promising raw material for further processing.

56-65 67

The problem of processing waste generated during the production process, both in the Republic of Belarus and in the world, is very acute. One of the main directions for ensuring environmentally safe and sustainable development of the country’s agro-industrial complex is the expansion of the use of secondary resources and recycling of industrial waste from the processing of plant raw materials, the introduction of low-waste and non-waste technologies. The processing industry technologies currently used are mostly wasteful. The organization of waste-free production facilities for processing agricultural raw materials makes it possible to obtain a number of related products. The malt production process is accompanied by the generation of significant volumes of waste, which can become a serious problem for malting enterprises, requiring additional costs for their disposal.

This article presents data on the analysis of the technology for the production of brewing barley malt used at JSC Belsolod, the stages of formation and the nomenclature of malting waste are established. The results of a study of malt production waste according to physical and chemical indicators and the content of macro- and microelements are presented. As a result of the study conducted on the content of basic nutrients and biologically active substances, a gradation of malt production waste from the most valuable to the least valuable in nutritional value was estabhshed. Based on the data obtained, it was established that they are promising raw materials for inclusion in feed products due to their high protein content, which is 31.7% for malt sprouts, about 10.0% for other types of waste under study, and also due to their high content macro- and microelements. A promising direction for their complex processing to obtain an innovative feed product has been proposed.

66-73 35

The basis for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus is the rational use of natural resources and measures for their renewal. Natural resources (agricultural raw materials) are subsequently processed to produce products, including food. Modem trends in the world development of the agro-industrial sector are the reduction of waste at all stages of production, resource conservation, which provides for the maximum use of the properties of the resources used, energy conservation, and the production of products with the lowest possible risk to public health. The purpose of the work is to develop prescription compositions of low-alcohol drinks using winemaking waste as a secondary raw material. Promising types of winemaking waste have been identified that have a technological potential for use as secondary raw materials in the manufacture of low-alcohol drinks. A technological scheme for the production of fruit diffusion juices has been developed. 14 prescription compositions of low-alcohol drinks with the use of winemaking waste have been developed. The prescription composition of all low-alcohol drinks provides for the use of two or more types of winemaking waste as secondary raw materials and does not provide for the use of drinking water.

74-78 35

The limited range of products for nutrition of people with phenylketonuria and cehac disease allows us to expand the market with new products. One of the directions for creating new specialized products was the creation of products for quick snacks, which are very popular and in constant demand among young people. However, in addition to the problem of creating a product that meets the requirements for low protein gluten-free products, there is the problem of high fat content in snacks. With traditional snack production technology, the fat content is up to 45-50%. The use of a set of measures made it possible to reduce the fat content in snacks to 25%.

79-87 24

The article presents data on assessing the quality of fish pastes presented in the retail chain of Minsk. The results of consumer tasting allowed us to identify the following most preferred characteristics of the product: homogeneous, spreadable consistency, absence of excess liquid, taste — harmonious, pleasant, natural, delicate, weakly expressed taste of fish with an unobtrusive aroma of spices. The closest and most direct correlation was established between the criteria “General impression”, “Taste”, “Consistency” (correlation coefficient r = 0.98 and 0.97). The results of the expert tasting showed that despite the fairly high values of the indicator “Intensity of fish aroma” (from 6.6 to 7.4 points, with an optimal level of 5.0 points), there is no negative perception of the studied samples of fish pates, since the value of the indicator “Harmony taste” ranges from 6.0 to 8.3 points, and the “General impression” indicator — from 6.9 to 8.0 points.

88-98 37

An important role in the prevention of non-communicable diseases belongs to functional foods, which make it possible to enrich the diet with physiologically functional food ingredients that help maintain and improve human health. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of littleused berry raw materials growing on the territory of the Republic of Belarus on the technological, physicochemical and organoleptic indicators of fruit and vegetable products. The work established that fruit and berry raw materials are a complete source of various biologically active substances, such as vitamins, polyphenolic substances, organic acids, sugars, macro- and microelements, dietary fiber, required for the daily synthesis and construction of cells, as well as the implementation of normal metabolic processes and other functions in the human body. The work also presents characteristics of berry raw materials in terms of area of application, content of macro- and microelements, vitamins, and organoleptic characteristics. The results of a descriptor evaluation of apple juice with pulp, apple nectar without pulp, pumpkin nectar with pulp, carrot nectar with pulp, apple puree, tomato puree, carrot puree with the addition of rose hip, hawthom, sea buckthom and honeysuckle puree are presented. Modeling laboratory samples with different contents of honeysuckle, hawthom, and sea buckthom purees at concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% made it possible to obtain products with a fairly pleasant taste and aroma, without the manifestation of négative descriptors. As a resuit of the work done, it was established that the fïnished products are a source of minerais (potassium, magnésium, phosphoms, calcium, iron and zinc), B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, PP), vitamin C and |3-carotene.

99-104 26

The article describes the relevance and also presents the results of research on the use of pressure membrane technologies for the extraction of protein components from liquid waste from starch factories. And also the use of electrodialysis to improve the color of starchy syrups. Recommendations on the use of the results of the research for starch production enterprises have been formed.

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)