
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Vol 17, No 3 (2024)
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6-10 65

The successes achieved in the development of the food industry and ensuring food security of the Republic of Belarus depend primarily on the personnel policy of our state. Organized training of personnel - mid- and high-level technologists, scientists has yielded long-term results. Analysis of the dynamics of the industry’s development shows that both the production of the main in-demand product groups and the export of food products are in direct correlation with the level of scientific support (training of highly qualified personnel, technologies, methods, standards, new products developed by them). It is important not to miss this element when forecasting the next stage of development of the food industry and the country.

11-16 53

The creation of specialized and medicinal food products is important in the prevention and dietary therapy for various diseases. Phenylketonuria is a disease for which diet therapy is the only treatment method. In the Republic of Belarus, 15–20 children are born annually with this disease. Expanding the range of products for people with phenylketonuria is an important task in organizing their nutrition. The article presents the results of a study of the low-protein products market and the development of production technology.

17-23 43

The article presents research on changes in the technological quality of intermediate products of sugar production and molasses as a result of electromembrane treatment, and an assessment of the efficiency of this treatment for various intermediate products of sugar production. Rational process parameters are proposed for various intermediate products: diffusion juice of different purification level, a mixture of syrup with purified juice (or intermediate syrup), second effluent of second massecuite and molasses.

24-31 62

The article presents the results of experimental studies on the development of technology for milk chocolate with filling enriched with inulin, using a combination of cocoa butter and shea butter fat as the fat component of the filling.

32-40 37

The introduction describes the main causes of beverage turbidity during long-term storage. A brief description of the mechanism of biological turbidity in the colloidal system of a beverage is given. The aim of the study is to evaluate the sorption potential of chitosan for potential mute-forming components that cause biological turbidity in beverage colloidal systems. The subject of the study was the process of sorption of mute-forming components that cause biological turbidity in beverages. The objects of the study were samples of semi-finished fruit and berry wine materials and juices. An assessment of the elimination of potentially mute-forming components from semi-finished fruit and berry wine materials and juices was performed. The total number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms was determined using the method of deep seeding on MPA, yeast and mycelial fungi - using the method of surface seeding on a selective nutrient medium Sabouraud with chloramphenicol. The data obtained during the experiment were subjected to simple mathematical analysis. The main part of the article presents the results of the study on the possibility of using chitosan to eliminate biological turbidity in fruit wine products. It was found that chitosan treatment allowed to reduce the content of yeast cells in the studied materials: Sophie wine - by 6.7 times, fermented-alcoholized apple juice - by 13 times, apple wine material - more than 100 times, chokeberry juice - complete removal.

41-48 35

The article the information on the dynamics of oxidative stability of direct-type emulsion products (mayonnaise) depending on the ingredients used, including fat-containing raw materials are provides.

49-55 47

The processing industry of Belarus is an export-oriented sector of the economy. The main tasks facing the industry are to increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector, create new high-tech production facilities and increase the export of domestic products.

The article presents the main directions of development of the processing industry of Belarus. The factors ensuring environmental safety of processing industries are determined, where special attention is paid to the selected technological processes, the introduction of new waste-free environmentally friendly technologies, the use of innovative processing methods, the development of new products. The sources and degree of wastewater pollution are described, as well as sources emitting harmful substances into the atmosphere, the causes of fires and explosions at processing plants.

Mechanical, chemical and biological methods are proposed for cleaning wastewater from processing plants. To reduce the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area, it is necessary to provide ventilation and air conditioning. To ensure explosion and fire safety of technological processes, each enterprise has developed its own measures to eliminate sources of fires and explosions.

56-60 35

The article examines the main international and national legislative acts regulating the issues of geographical indications of cheeses. The Institute for the Protection of Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin of Food Products allows us to minimize unfair competition, guarantee high quality of products, their declared properties and protect the interests of the consumer.

 The development of the institution of geographical indications in the Republic of Belarus will strengthen the international recognition of domestic food products, including cheeses, far beyond the borders of our state. However, in order to protect the interests of both the consumer and the manufacturer, it is necessary to look for ways to solve the problem of identifying products with a geographical indication.

61-68 43

Ensuring the safety of products of animal origin is of particular relevance due to the fact than the number of diseases associated with microbiological contamination of food products is growing from year both in the Republic Belarus and in Europe as a whole. The most common cause of foodborne illness is pathogenic bacteria of the genus Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes .

This paper presents the results of monitoring microbiological studies of meat, poultry meat and semi-finished products from poultry meat products.

69-75 35

Natural fermented drinks based on honey, containing a wide range of biologically active substances, make it possible to expand the assortment list of national products. It is promising to improve the assortment policy of the production of fermented beverages, as well as other food products, through the use of plant raw materials of Belarusian selection. The study of triticale malts, in order to expand the raw material base and the range of products, contributes to improving product quality, reducing the production cycle and reducing its cost. Triticale is a promising crop for the production of natural fermented beverages.

76-85 41

The paper presents the results of a study of biologically active components of fish raw materials and fucus brown algae that affect the functional properties of fish pastes and pates with fucus. The optimization of the formulation composition of fish pastes and pates with fucus kelp has been carried out, which makes it possible to predict the functional properties of the product. A mathematical model has been developed that establishes requirements for the content of physiologically functional food ingredients and indicators responsible for the quality and safety of fish pastes and pates with fucus. The functionality of fish pastes and pates with fucus is justified due to the balanced composition of amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, fucoidan and dietary fibers, including alginates.

86-93 43

The article presents the results of the storage capacity of packaged semi-hard cheese in various types of packaging, including biodegradable. Microbiological indicators of the tested samples are determined. It is established that the use of vacuum packaging for long-term storage of cheese is a priority and effective storage method, allowing to extend the shelf life by more than 2 times. Recommended packaging material for storing cheese is proposed.

94-100 57

In the presented review, the results of the study of anthocyanins as components of functional nutrition were analyzed. Regular consumption of dark-colored fruits containing anthocyanins and their processed products contributes to improving the health and quality of life of people. The article presents the results of a study of the chemical composition, including the content of anthocyanins of berry raw materials growing in the Republic of Belarus and used by enterprises of the processing industry to obtain juice products. The anthocyanin profile is an important criterion for the identification of juice products made from dark-colored berries.

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)