
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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No 4 (2013)
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3-9 331
In work the analysis of pasta 11 brands of different manufacturers, both domestic and foreign production presented in the market of the Republic of Belarus. Depending on the type of raw materials used, studied organoleptic, physico-chemical quality indicators, investigated the chemical composition of the samples pasta, and also determined the cooking properties. The ways of development of scientific researches on improvement of quality and expansion of assortment of pasta.
9-16 125
This article presents the research process parameters make inulin juice products that provide the maximum of conservation at all stages of its production process to ensure the warranty of the claimed amount contributed to the nutrient-rich product.
16-21 183
The paper presents growth parameters of mycelia fungi affiliated to species Penicillium roqueforti and maintained at Belarusian collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms, in the surface and submerged fermentation.
21-27 140
The process of germination of naked oats. In stages found the optimal regimes two water and two air pauses of germination are investigated. Using developed regimes allows to get grain raw material for the production of foods with high biological value.
27-36 148
This article questions on processing of a melon and its seeds are considered. Their processing are resulted a flow sheet on. Results of researches of a chemical compound, is functional-technological properties, amino acid composition and fatly-acid contents of seeds of a melon are presented. The compounding of the enriched foodstuff is described.
36-44 156
The review article is devoted to the method of X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRFA) of microelement composition of raw materials and food products, which allows carrying out precise and multi-trace element study. A brief description of the physical basics of the method, the sensitivity limits and a comparison with other methods of trace elements analysis, the results of the XRFA of fast food samples, drinking water, freshwater fish, infant formula, vegetables and fruits are given. Application of the method in the food industry is justified on the example of XRFA of milk and dairy products. Attention is drawn to the possibility of metals contamination control in the preservation of foods by XRFA. Characteristics of major XRFA devices presented on the CIS area are given.
44-48 257
In present time the systematic control of gluten in gluten-free products by ELISA is need in Belarus, because for people with celiak disease are need gluten-free dietary. This article is about of the screening of gluten-free products in native markets by ELISA method with test-system RIDASCREEN® Gliadin (Germany). The control of gluten in some gluten-free products and food products negative with gluten (natural absence of gluten) by ELISA is resulted in this article.
48-55 116
For the purpose of an establishment of an optimum composition of a fatty basis margarine production having the necessary range of plasticity, binary and three-componental modelling systems of monofats have been created and studied. In the conditions of laboratory study plan implemented fat compositions properties (melting point and solidification, crystallization time, the solids content of triglycerides) depending on the ratio of components. Based on the study of fat content in the model compositions of TSH with a special program built state diagrams that can help streamline the process of formulating the margarine products for special applications.
55-61 137
The paper analyzes the impact of different modes of hydrothermal treatment on the change in vitreous grain durum wheat grown in the Republic of Belarus. Optimum regimes hydrothermal processing of grain durum wheat.
61-65 154
The article is devoted to creating beverages that not only have good organoleptic characteristics, but also an antioxidant effect due to the high content of biologically active substances, which allows to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals on the body.
65-69 147
In article possibility of application in brewing production of a component of a phytogenesis - algas chlorella as the source of biologically active agents necessary for increase of physiological activity of yeast is studied. It is investigated influences of various concentration of an alga chlorella on accumulation of a biomass of yeast and specific growth rate in the course of the main fermentation.


69-77 136
The systems evaporative cooling of environments are developed, drainages and air conditioning based on a principle indirect evaporative of cooling the analysis of opportunities of such systems and is executed, depending on climatic conditions and regime parameters. Heat-mass-transfer apparatus the devices which are included in system evaporative of cooling, are based on film interaction of flows of gas and liquid and in them, for creation surface is heat - mass - transfer the multichannel structures from polymeric materials and porous ceramics are used.
77-86 118
The paper presents a brief analysis of regulations governing the sanitary and epidemiological requirements to food raw materials and food products at various stages of treatment (production, sale, storage, and transport). Particular attention is paid to regulations establishing requirements to transportation of food (transportation conditions and requirements to vehicles used for transportation). Referenced are made herein to documents establishing the suitability of special vehicles for transportation of food products as well as the sequence of procedures for shipment of meat and dairy industry products.
86-91 119
This paper describe experimental study conducting for heat and humidity processes of carbon tetrachloride evaporation from capillary-porous solid surface and naphthalene sublimation into carbon dioxide and nitrogen medium. Psychometric conditions for experimental study conducting let us to get temperature differences values in-between wet and dry thermometers for different pressures. Experimental study is conducted for pressures from 0,15 bar to atmospheric pressure and for temperature from 20°С to 40°С. As temperature sensors the cuprum-constant thermoelectric thermometer is used. For experimental study conducting the relative humidity is taken equal to zero as result from gas delivery to working cell from tanks. As capillary-porous solid the cambric material is used.


91-94 169
One of the main sources of biological active components in the diet are the vegetable fats . In Russia, the most popular is the sunflower (vysokolinolevoe) vegetable oil . It has a number of technological shortcomings associated with features of the fatty acid composition . And there are varieties of sunflower hybrids with altered fatty acid composition of the oil. Areas under high oleic sunflower increase year by year . High oleic acid sunflower oil consumption and improves its processing properties . Existing methods to control the content of oleic acid in seed oil and sunflower have significant drawbacks . The result is that sharply raises the question of the development of rapid methods of monitoring the content of oleic acid.
94-99 157
Using hierarchical tree was showing the characteristics that are used to a complex quality assessment of condensed canned milk with sugar and fruit - berry syrups. By the calculation method were determined the comprehensive evaluations for investigated samples. They are equal to the level of "excellent".
99-106 365
The content of fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and other minor biologically active substances in various samples of linseed oil of cold expression was determined. Kinetic relationships have been obtained reflecting accumulation of primary and secondary oxidation products and free fatty acids in the linseed oil, as well as depletion in tocopherol and carotinoid contents during storage at room temperature in the absence and in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. The linseed oil has been shown to be sufficiently resistant towards oxidative aging, provided that the recommended storage conditions are met, owing to a complex of antioxidants and their synergic agents present in the oil. Using chromato-mass spectrometry, volatile products of oxidative destruction of linseed oil lipids have been identified.
106-109 162
Sub culturing, freeze-drying and cryoconservation techniques are practiced at Belarussian collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms for long-term preservation of yeast belonging to genus Zygosaccharomyces . The cultures retain viability and inherent morphological-cultural characteristics.

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)