No 2 (2013)
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3-5 138
Scientific researches performed during spaceflights allowed to modernize «space» food. The use of modern production technologies provides manufacturing of high quality safe and reliable products designed for consumption in zero-gravity flights. The developed by the Institute space products range( more 300items) allows to form physiologically valuable daily food rations balanced by content of the basic nutrition substances.
5-10 143
Results of study of the effect pretreatment of black currant microwave currents; optimal processing mode is set, ensuring inactivation of the epiphytic microflora and oxidative enzymes the maximum juice yield and high concentration of biologically active substances.
10-15 132
The thesis is devoted to developing science-based technologies soft drinks premium, based on local natural fruit and berry raw materials and herbal extracts.
15-19 126
The paper presents theresults of a comparativeanalysisof oxidativereactionsduring storageof semi-cooked pork in vacuum packsand packageswith different compositionof modifiedatmospheres. The efficiency ofpackaginginan oxygen-containing environmentto maintain thecolor stability and inhibiting growth of spoilage microorganismsof semi-cooked porkwas showed.
19-24 144
In work development of new types of canned food meat the special purpose, containing dairy raw materials is described. Possibility of use of a concentrate of serumal proteinaceous protein with a mass fraction of 80% as a part of these products is studied. The analysis of the developed canned food meat on protein content, fat, to the relation of squirrels is made: fat, amino-acid and fatty-acid structure, and also contents of lactulose, amber acid, selenium. It is settled an invoice degree of satisfaction of daily requirement of an organism of the people who are going in for sports, in these ingredients. The assessment of physiological effect of the developed canned food meat on working capacity is made at the dosed physical activities.
24-28 175
In this article the analysis of scientific information on current trends in development of new types of processed cheeses is carried out.
28-34 123
The article presents data on the effects of ozone on the technological and microbiological properties of the molding starch. Studies have shown that the technological parameters of quality maize starch: organoleptic, relative humidity, acidity, ash content, the mass fraction of the protein remained at the same level, the mass fraction of sulfur dioxide decreased to zero; microbiological confirmed the disappearance of colonies of fungi.
34-38 132
In article possibility of application in brewing production of a component of a phytogenesis - algas chlorella as the source of biologically active agents necessary for increase of physiological activity of yeast and an intensification of process of a fermentation of a beer mash is studied. It is investigated influences of various concentration of an alga chlorella on a course of the main fermentation.
38-41 155
This paper analyzes the factors affecting the shelf life of potatoes, the reasons for the losses during storage and processing methods of its various antiseptics before mortgage on storage.
41-44 145
The article is devoted to the development of formulation and the chemical composition of cocktails for baby food functionality. Describe the methods of production developed cocktails and the use of dice apples as filler.
44-49 138
Quality of finished meat products, their consumer properties are connected, first of all, with the physical and chemical and biochemical processes proceeding in meat systems, and also with technological features of their production. Management of these processes, optimization of processing methods for the purpose of increase quality of finished goods and, especially, improvement of their organoleptic characteristics, is one of the most complex technological problems of modern production of meat products. It is shown that water, in the course of activation in the cavitational reactor gains the unique properties connected with its changes at structural level, and use of the liquid systems containing kavitatsionno the activated water basis, allows to carry out bezreagentny, ecologically safe regulation of functional and technological properties of farshevy systems and finished goods. Besides, earlier unknown fact of significant increase of thermoresistance of biological active components of meat raw materials is established at its hydration by a brine, subjected to cavitational processing in the ultrasonic cavitational reactor that allows to keep thermally unstable substances possessing a high nutrition value both forming taste and aroma of meat products.
49-54 151
Shrinkage of stored products is the main source of moisture for the formation of frost on the heat transfer surfaces of cooling devices in the refrigerating chamber for storage frozen food. The organization of a rational scheme of circulation of cooling air through the all volume of chamber storage is the most effective way to minimize shrinkage.
54-61 130
In the article established the necessary technical requirements for designing vacuum unit, which determine the degree of accuracy and optimality for design solution, and method of calculation and design of vacuum unit is described.
61-70 142
The detailed direction of carrying out of the research work based on different approaches to an estimation of competitiveness of an article of food is defined.
70-74 135
Quality of foodstuff is one of its basic characteristics, making solving impact on creation of consumer preferences and formation of competitiveness of production. In article substantive provisions of methodology Quality Function Deploymentandthe forecasting qualimetry, allowing on the basis of studying of various factors to reveal the most important for the consumer of the characteristic of a product.
74-79 156
Projections presented on volumes of vegetable oils production in Belarus for 2013. The research of samples of vegetable oil by electret-thermal analysis was carried out; the results are characterized from the point of views of the polarization in unsaturated fatty acids; is proposed to use this method in the assessment of the quality of vegetable oils.
79-84 153
The article examines the market research of consumer preferences of fruit juices on the Belarusian market. The results of the survey conducted in order to study consumer demand for juice products both domestic and imported. Studied the image of the brand of juice using the method of semantic differential.
ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)